
Three Tips on Heading “Back-To-Work” Safely 

The past few months have been a whirlwindFor many of us we have transitioned from the office to a home workspace There have been so many changes that uncertainty exists on how to move forward. With new rules dictating what we define as a “New Normal” we all need to plan our “Back-To-Work” strategy.

1) PLAN. 

 Here are 6 things you must do to start the process: 

  • Prep your physical structure by evaluating your space design and floor layout of cubicles. 
  • Communicate and prepare your team (email out new procedures)  
  • Check and monitor access to your office (employee entrance) 
  • Map out Social Distancing (shift rotations, desk distance) 
  • Sanitize and reduce high touchpoint items (iPads, dry erase markers, coffee pots, refrigerator, microwave) 
  • Keep messaging consistent. Ensure trust and transparency. 


Most of us have had to shift the way we think, whether it’s working from home, going into the office on rotation or not working at all. Be sure to stay creative and solution oriented 

  • What practices are no longer considered safe and which must stay in place? 
  • Does anyone in same business have a better system? 
  • Engage existing team in brainstorming for new ideas. 


Giving workplace teams a jump on their back-to-office game plan with safety tools and solutions is the starting point Here are a few examples: 

  • Wellness ScreeningTaking employee temperatures? Who? When? Where?   
  • Space DividersWhere can you place these to be the most effective? 
  • Consultation Booths: These structures create private space for meetings. 
  • Extra disinfectantsProvide extra hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies near workstations. 
  • Consider changing the type of materials used in current office furniture. 

For more on safety products and assistancego to the Warehouse of Fixtures  Contact Us Page 

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